

Let’s revisit the FutureLearn courses example:

A screenshot of the featured courses on FutureLearn

How do we represent it in code?

let courseTitle = 'The Museum as a Site and ...'
let courseRating = 4.6
let courseReviewsCount = 75
let courseIsNew = false
let courseIsPartOfAnExpertTrack = false

let courseTitle = 'The Museum as a Site and ...'
let courseRating = 4.6
let courseReviewsCount = 75
let courseIsNew = false
let courseIsPartOfAnExpertTrack = false

let course2Title = 'Fundamentals of Business ...'
let course2Rating = 0
let course2ReviewsCount = 0
let course2IsNew = true
let course2IsPartOfAnExpertTrack = false

let course3Title = 'Young People and Mental Health'
let course3Rating = 4.7
let course3ReviewsCount = 649
let course3IsNew = false
let course3IsPartOfAnExpertTrack = false

let course4Title = 'International Logistics: A ...'
let course4Rating = 0
let course4ReviewsCount = 0
let course4IsNew = false
let course4IsPartOfAnExpertTrack = true

Things are getting unwieldy already; we have so many related variables that are not tied together ☹.

We need a better way to represent an “entity” that has different “attributes”.


const course = {
  title: 'The Museum as a Site and ...',
  rating: 4.6,
  reviewsCount: 75,
  isNew: false,
  isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,

Let’s break it down

Start with curly brackets:

const course = {}

Add a property (a key: value pair):

const course = {
  title: 'The Museum as a Site and ...'

Add more properties; separate by commas (last comma is optional):

const course = {
  title: 'The Museum as a Site and ...',
  rating: 4.6,
  reviewsCount: 75,
  isNew: false,
  isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,

How to name properties

Use strings:

const obj = {
  "prop": "...",
  "another prop": "...",
  "&@+/": "...",
  "0": "...",

The quotes are optional if the name is a valid variable name (i.e. an identifier) or a number:

const obj = {
  prop: "...",
  "another prop": "...",
  "&@+/": "...",
  0: "...",

The JavaScript way is also camelCase:

const obj = {
  prop: "...",
  anotherProp: "...",

Property names must be unique:

const obj = {
  prop: 1,
  prop: 2, // this overrides the previous one

// equivalent to
const obj = {
  prop: 2

Using objects

Access a property

Get the value of a property using the dot notation:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  'reviews count': 0,
  isNew: true,

console.log(course.title) // The Fundamentals of ...

Set the value of a property too with the dot notation:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  'reviews count': 0,
  isNew: true,

course.isNew = false

console.log(course.isNew) // false

Be careful with property names that aren’t identifiers:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  'reviews count': 0,
  isNew: true,

course.'reviews count'++ // Error

Use the bracket notation instead for such properties:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  'reviews count': 0,
  isNew: true,

course['reviews count']++

console.log(course['reviews count']) // 1

You can add a property:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  'reviews count': 0,
  isNew: true,

course.rating = 0

console.log(course.rating) // 0

And delete a property too:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  'reviews count': 0,
  isNew: true,

delete course['reviews count']

console.log(course['reviews count']) // undefined

Objects are mutable

In contrast, numbers, strings, and booleans are immutable:

const str = "Strings are immutable"

// Try to change 'Strings' to 'Springs'
str[1] = 'p' // No error, but it doesn't work

console.log(str) // Strings are immutable

Does an object have a property?

Use the in operator to check if an object has a property:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  'reviews count': 0,
  isNew: true,

console.log("title" in course)  // true
console.log("rating" in course) // false

Pack variables into an object

It’s common to have variables that you want to pack into an object:

const title = 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy'
const reviewsCount = 0
const isNew = true

You can set the object properties manually:

const title = 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy'
const reviewsCount = 0
const isNew = true

const course = {
  title: title,
  reviewsCount: reviewsCount,
  isNew: isNew,

Or use the shorthand form:

const title = 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy'
const reviewsCount = 0
const isNew = true

const course = {

How about unpacking?

It may be tedious to type the course. prefix sometimes:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  reviewsCount: 0,
  isNew: true,


You can unpack the properties you need into variables:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  reviewsCount: 0,
  isNew: true,

const title = course.title
const reviewsCount = course.reviewsCount


There’s also a shorter way; it’s called destructuring:

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  reviewsCount: 0,
  isNew: true,

const { title, reviewsCount } = course


Copy an object into a new one

You may want to copy the properties of one object into a new one:

const ratingInfo = {
  rating: 0,
  reviewsCount: 0,

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  isNew: true,
  // You want rating and reviewsCount here.

Here’s one way to do it:

const ratingInfo = {
  rating: 0,
  reviewsCount: 0,

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  isNew: true,
  rating: ratingInfo.rating,
  reviewsCount: ratingInfo.reviewsCount,

Another way is to spread the object:

const ratingInfo = {
  rating: 0,
  reviewsCount: 0,

const course = {
  title: 'The Fundamentals of Business Strategy',
  isNew: true,

Let’s update the original example to use objects

const course = {
  title: 'The Museum as a Site and ...',
  rating: 4.6,
  reviewsCount: 75,
  isNew: false,
  isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,

const course2 = {
  title: 'Fundamentals of Business ...',
  rating: 0,
  reviewsCount: 0,
  isNew: true,
  isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,

const course3 = {
  title: 'Young People and Mental Health',
  rating: 4.7,
  reviewsCount: 649,
  isNew: false,
  isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,

const course4 = {
  title: 'International Logistics: A ...',
  rating: 0,
  reviewsCount: 0,
  isNew: false,
  isPartOfAnExpertTrack: true,

What if we could collect the courses in a “list”?


const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]

The elements can be of different types:

const arr = ["hi", 12.34, true, {}]

Access an array element

Arrays are ordered and can be indexed, like strings:

//              0       1      2
const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]

console.log(people[0]) // "Amal"

// Replace "Isa" with "Elleman"
people[1] = "Elleman"

How long is this array?

Use the length property to get the length of an array.

const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]

console.log(people.length) // 3

Push to an array

Use the push method to add an item to the end of an array:

const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]


// ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija", "Habeeb"]

Pop from an array

Use the pop method to remove the last element of an array:

const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]


// ["Amal", "Isa"]

Does an array have an element?

The includes method tells if an array contains a certain element:

const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]

people.includes("Isa")      // true
people.includes("Mubaraq")  // false

Get a portion of an array

Use the slice method:

//              0       1      2
const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]

people.slice(0, 2)  // ["Amal", "Isa"]
people.slice(1)     // ["Isa", "Khadija"]

Spread an array into another

const names = ["Habeeb", "Mubaraq"]
const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija", ...names]

// ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija", "Habeeb", "Mubaraq"]

Arrays are also mutable …

… because they are objects.

const people = ["Amal", "Isa", "Khadija"]

console.log(typeof people)
// object 😲

Finally …

const courses = [
    title: 'The Museum as a Site and ...',
    rating: 4.6,
    reviewsCount: 75,
    isNew: false,
    isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,
    title: 'Fundamentals of Business ...',
    rating: 0,
    reviewsCount: 0,
    isNew: true,
    isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,
    title: 'Young People and Mental Health',
    rating: 4.7,
    reviewsCount: 649,
    isNew: false,
    isPartOfAnExpertTrack: false,
    title: 'International Logistics: A ...',
    rating: 0,
    reviewsCount: 0,
    isNew: false,
    isPartOfAnExpertTrack: true,